Gretchen’s House follows the HighScope curriculum. The curriculum supports intentional planning and implementation for: environments, adult child interactions, a consistent yet flexible daily routine, active learning experiences, and child observation and assessment. These attributes are described in depth through the links below to the HighScope website.
The HighScope approach is based on research that shows that children learn by doing. Children learn and recall more information if they discover facts and answers for themselves.
Active learning is at the center of the HighScope Curriculum. It’s the foundation of young children gaining knowledge through their natural play and interactions with the environment, events, and other people.
For example, a teacher may tell a child that 2 plus 2 equals 4. The child may repeat the fact, but will not have a real understanding of what this means. In a HighScope Classroom, teachers provide counting materials and encourage children to explore them with all of their senses. group different quantities of items, count them, guess how many they will add up to, and manipulate items and numbers for themselves. In this way children not only learn that 2 plus 2 equals 4, but also acquire multiple strategies for solving math problems and actively engaging in problem solving itself.