Music Together
Gretchen’s House uses the research-based Music Together Play Along Curriculum. Play Along resources include high-quality materials for every classroom teacher, child, and family to use at home, and has been designed to be easily implemented in the classroom. There are comprehensive printed and online tools that support teachers and families in using music and movement activities to support children’s early learning outcomes both in school and at home—all while having fun. By actively engaging with music, singing and playing musical instruments, children grow musically in a playful, developmentally appropriate, and musically-rich way.
We love that Music Together is a research-based model and has resources that are shared with the entire school community. This is just one of the tools we use to support family engagement, parent-child relationships, and classroom teacher professional development.

Music Together Supports Family Engagement
Family involvement is an integral component of the Play Along curriculum. The family “Hello Everybody” App, home materials, online educational content and activity ideas equip families with tools to enhance and extend learning in the following ways:
- Families gain tools to support their child’s learning and development in fun and developmentally appropriate ways. These tools provide for anywhere, anytime learning.
- Families know what their child is doing at school and the learning that takes place in the classroom can be extended into the home.
- The home learning environment is enhanced with educational materials and activities.
- Music becomes a point of conversation between classroom teachers and parents and caregivers.
- The home-school connection is strengthened.
- Families gain new tools for effective parenting (e.g., supporting transitions and routines, behavior management, supporting their child’s focus).
- The music activities encourage experiences that support sensitive-responsive adult-child interactions and bonding.
- Music is a way for families to have fun together.